How to Make Free Classified Ads Site

There are many ways to bring money in one blog with text ads service .. there might be wondering about how to make a bris on a blog advertising site.

OK, here's my brief and clear aja how to create classified ads on the blog:
Actually how difficult it was easy-easy, was asked why? well arguably the form of making hard .. aja khan, then there is no need to worry so I'll try to help you to create your classified ads.
Previously, you probably already know toggak foremost in the manufacture of classified ads that you can use the services FORMULIR.Sebenarnya emailmeform to create the form, but sich in my opinion if we use emailmeform looks less convincing while later terposting ad.

Well, I'll display the ad Good, I'll talk to you kids bloggers.
  • Login to your blogger account
  • click the layout - the page elements
  • Html / javascript
Copy and paste the following code and save

Now each ad so that later you can terposting diblog, you must set the email you used to ..
following ways:
  1. Login to your blogger accoun
  2. Sign Dashboard
  3. Click settings
  4. Select Email & Cell Phones
  5. Then make a name for the email address posts, like the image below;

 Then click Save Settings

After you create this post email addresses, please send an SMS to No. 081927715774
with the format:

Tito's email # # Name You did you post your blog # Url

SMS me if you've received, I will direct your email settings from here I will sms back later when it's ready to use ...